Dr. Andrea Lynch Paganelli
excellence in Research, teaching and service
I believe my body of work to date, as summarized below and represented throughout this website, embodies the spirit and intent of my work to be worthy of the honor of full professorship.
1 Book
3 Chapters
11 National/International
2 State/Regional
4 Printed in Proceedings
Since 8/18 -
1 Book
3 Chapters
4 National/International
2 State/Regional
2 Printed in Proceedings
56 Presentations
9 International
11 National
15 Regional
21 State/Local
Since 8/18 -
14 Presentations
5 International
3 National
3 Regional
3 State/Local
29 Classes Taught
10 Courses Developed
4 Blackboard Ultra Revisions
3 Programs Revised
2 Programs Lead
Since 8/18 -
27 Classes Taught
8 Courses Developed
3 Blackboard Ultra Revisions
2 Programs Revised
2 Programs Lead
153 Service Engagements
86 Professional Developments
9 Awards and Grants
2 Professional Memberships
Since 8/18 -
81 Service Engagements
15 Professional Developments
5 Awards and Grants
2 Professional Memberships